Our team absolutely loved shooting and creating this promotional video, as pet lovers ourselves, we were in our element! Capturing these friendly furry animals was a delight from start to finish. The Global Paws team was just as friendly and wonderful to work with, as well was our amazing couple that we used in this promo video. The main goal of this video was to educate not only the pet owner’s, but to also inform and explain the process to travel agents, in a very visual form. We decided that because most viewers today tend to watch online videos on silent, we would make use of text on screen and bullet points, so no sound or voice over is needed to know what is being communicated.
A full, detailed story board was created and compiled for this promo video. The detail in the story board added to the pleasure of compiling this video as it assisted in making the editing process and made it much easier and more enjoyable. After fabricating the story board, we were able to determine that we required a number of specific shots in order to reach the goal we were aiming towards. Thanks to our amazing couple, who were constantly full of genuine love and care for their pets, we managed to get the shots all in one go. What a treat! Their compassion towards their pets exceeded our expectations and made it very quick and easy to capture the emotions we needed for this promo video.
Going in accordance with our process we use, we started with the dog shots first and were very pleasantly surprised to be able to do all of them in just one afternoon. This in turn allowed us to be able to do the office and drone shots the following day, making the whole process so smooth and such a pleasure. Our team was strategically placed in order to get the absolute best shots possible. We are very excited about this promo video and hope that it manages to reach its goal!
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