Charity Video – Henley&Partners and UNHCR Partnership for Refugees
This charity video was created for Henley and Partners, the global experts in citizenship and residence planning. Henley and Partners trusted our team to edit the footage from their visit to refugee camp in Jordan. In this charity video we follow Henley and Partners representatives, as they visit refugee camps and witness the situation. They interview members of the community to find out what are their biggest hopes and concerns. They talk to those in charge of humanitarian help to identify areas, where Henley and Partners experience in global citizenship might be useful.
This charity video shows the process of registration, which is vital to grant refugees access to services. We show how the newest iris scan technology is used to identify the people and assist them in their struggles. This charity video also outlines the importance of international assistance. The countries surrounding Syria, where most of refugees are coming from, are taking the pressure of accepting and assisting large numbers of refugees. The UNHCR representatives take us through the process of accepting new families and receiving the assistance.
In this charity video Henley and Partners representatives send a powerful message from the refugee camp. According to H&P representatives, one thing that people lack the most is dignity. They want to provide for themselves and their families and ultimately return to lives they had before. Those testimonials are essential for creating an impact in this charity video. Henley and Partners teach us an important lesson on how such a high profile company can cooperate with humanitarian organisations. How the experience in global citizenship can be used to assist those that lost everything in the matter of minutes.